
Available activities

Reunion island is an exceptional destination, which shows unic natural characteristics (see the world heritage listing). Indeed its gegraphic organization with this juxtaposition of two volcanoe massive, only sperated by 25 kilometers allows to have a real diversity of landscapes offering an exceptional play ground,for those who like nature activities.


Air activities

1) Island helicopter flights

2) Paragliding in the heights of Saint-Leu (colimaçons)

3) Ultra-light flights


Aquatic activities

In fresh water

1) Conyonning (down rivers itineraries based on water naturel slides, jumps and sometimes abseiling for the most technic itineraries)

2) Rafting (down rivers itineraries in canocrafts)


In the sea

1) Small cruises alongside the coast, with the  possibility to observ delphins and humpback whales during the season, really impresive !

2) jet-skiing

3) sport-fishing, you take the way of the fish concentration disposal, for catching the deep-sea fishes passing by...

4) Diving. Itineraries in the protected ecosystem thanks to a natural reserve, you will  observe multiple tropical fish species !


land activities

1) Day excursion on coaches or package of several excursions (according planning)

2) Day 4 wheel car excursion on the same sytem

3) hiking in the National Park, in the heart of the Reunion world heritage area.

4) Horse riding


      YouTube         - A disfrutar la isla !      YouTube         - Randonnée equestre.3gp

ETHNIX TOURS 6 allée des baies roses 97441 Sainte-Suzanne île Réunion France Copyright 2010 Ethnix Tours | CGV

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