
Activité de pleine nature

Voici un moyen d'apprécier tout en étant actif, la beauté d'un site !"


Commentaires (3)

Here is your love lovE loVE lOVE LOVE. These are absolutely buuatifel! Arden .you are gorgeous, just as Becky told me. You need to show these to the world.
Thousands of T-shirts a year are delivered to sttich'T so we can turn these T-shirts into T-shirt quilts, duvet covers and pillows. Occasionally, people send us extra T-shirts. This particular vintage T-shirt was purchased by us at a second-hand store.Maybe you have an interesting story to share about this T-shirt? If you do, please post about it here.In appreciation of this amazing coincidence, any customer who owns any of the vintage T-shirts we have pictured on our blog will receive 30% off their first order.This discount cannot be used in combination with other offers and expires after 08/11. rycbgglabc [link=]gsjewk[/link]
Hi Ian, it maybe just an optical iolisuln, of course.The offending photo is the one snapped of me from behind, looking upwards by the arch on our tour of the school. Anyone perusing it could be forgiven for mistakenly assuming I have a baldy napper, a scurrilous allegation I've strenuously refuted for a decade or more! lol eumxvq [link=]gadpjtqz[/link]

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