
Music discovery


The band "Découverte musicale" is before anything else a group of friends, having in common the passion of music. This one is composed of 6 persons, 4 muscians and 2 chorists. Trough the years it developped a diversified artistic offer.

Indeed, several typses of interventions are proposed according to the specific demands. From folk performances, event animations (such as a wedding) are some of the possibilities. It is about a real invitation to discover or re-discover, its local repertoires as well as an international artists one.

You are a hotel, a restaurant, a pub, or simply a private person, thank you for contacting us, to request your specific performance (see contact details below).


Contact Sully CHAFFRE

0692 64 40 85

ETHNIX TOURS 6 allée des baies roses 97441 Sainte-Suzanne île Réunion France Copyright 2010 Ethnix Tours | CGV

  N° siret 443 303 292 00025 /  registered at Atout France IM 974100013 /  Professionnal liability insurance HA RCP 0088352 / Financial guarantee



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