
Productosde alta gama

 The Bourbon Pointu



In the framework of the agro-tourism development, we have the possibility to give you access to excellence industries. Thanks to its volcanic soil and weather combinations. Réunion land enables to produce outstanding products.


Ethnix tours is the partner of an excellence industry, the Bourbon Pointu premium coffee !



      YouTube         - Le café premium Bourbon PointuVideo



Article du Wall Street Journal

ETHNIX TOURS 6 allée des baies roses 97441 Sainte-Suzanne isla Reunión France Copyright 2010 Ethnix Tours | CGV

  N° siret 443 303 292 00025 / empresa matriculada en Atout France IM 974100013 /  Responsabilidad civil professional HA RCP 0088352 / Garantía financiera


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