
Condiciones de venta


These curent Sales terms are completed by particular Sales Terms

The selling price of the stays are established, but are subject to possible
increase, in the evntuality of services providers fares variation whitout warning.

The prices are valids within the limit of the availabilities of rooms of hotel infrastructures.

Ethnix Tourns declines all responsibilities for pragram modifications
due to imponderable risks
(climate, strike, works…)



Valid passport are required more than 6 months beyond the date of return.
No vaccine is required at the entrance of Réunion




Any reservation will be effective after the payment of a deposit amount equal to 30% of the full amount of the stay.

The payment of the balance will have to intervene at the latest 30 days before the beginning of the stay.
Any reservation with less than 30 days before the stay will be effective only after the payment of the entirety of the amount of the stay.



In the event of cancellation because of the customer, cancellation "will be taken into account only with reception of the mail confirming cancellation.

A penalty will apply then to the customer as follows:

Cancellation with more than 30 days of the departure: reserve of 45.00 Euros per file

Cancellation from 29 to 21 days before the departure: 25% of the amount of the stay.

Cancellation from 20 to 8 days before departure: 50% of the amount of the stay.

Cancellation from 7 to 3 days before departure: 75% of the amount of the stay.

Cancellation to less than 3 days before the departure: 100% of the amount of the stay.

The defect of check-in, for some cause that it is, even of major force, is regarded as a cancellation on the day of the departure


ETHNIX TOURS 6 allée des baies roses 97441 Sainte-Suzanne isla Reunión France Copyright 2010 Ethnix Tours | CGV

  N° siret 443 303 292 00025 / empresa matriculada en Atout France IM 974100013 /  Responsabilidad civil professional HA RCP 0088352 / Garantía financiera


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